Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sewing on a Super Bowl Sunday

Sew, it seems as if the month of January was not a great month to get a lot of work done for Green Envy Girls.  My business partner's husband was very sick and my husband had to leave town.  So I had to move my sewing maching and lots of supplies back home to sew on my dining room table.  Once I thought I was going to be able to move everything back, the flu hit our house.  My daughter was sick for 10 days.  I've been sewing whenever I get a chance.  That is one advantage to having a business at home.  I could sew when Kade napped or sew while I had a few minutes between laundry and dishes.  But I will be glad to get this all back to the shop.  My kitchen and dining room look like an explosion of fabric and thread.  I know it drives my husband crazy.  Hopefully I can move everything back this week. 

My poor husband must really love me because he had to give up a Super Bowl party to stay home 'cause I wasn't feeling well.  But he really must love me since he didn't say a word as I did a little sewing during the game.  I tried to sew quietly. 

Maggie and I have talked and have decided that we will be working on some new designs for our zipper pouches and a new design for the traditional tote that will have a zipper.  I'm looking forward to posting pictures of the newest totes, including a small version for young girls. 

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