One thing that Maggie and I have been struggling with is trying to find a local business who could sell our products. There are lots of wonderful places out there. What we're learning is that everyone wants to make money. We want to be able to make what we think is worth for our products but a business is also going to want to make a profit on the sale too. The people and businesses we have approached want us to either sell our product to them at a discounted price so that they can mark it up as they fit. The other alternative is to sell on commission which means that the store would display and sell our product and they would make a commission on the sale. Our problem is that we also sell to individuals through word of mouth, Facebook and Etsy. We cannot charge one thing online and by word of mouth and then have another price on the same product at a local business. I've even had businesses approach us about selling our products at wholesale prices which is a ridicuous concept for a totally handcrafted item. There is so much time and effort spent on creating our pieces that we have to make at least what we spent and the time utilized to create it. We're not grabbing things off of a manufacturing line and sticking our name on it. Totally handcrafted objects cost more. So far we've been making sales and it's these people that recognize that they are buying a one of a kind product that has been created with someone's hands with love for the craft.

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