Monday, July 18, 2011

Crashes, Heat Indexes and Kids and More Kids

The last couple of months have been filled with computer crashes, heat indexes that have broken records, and of course a busy summer teaching my classes, traveling and keeping the kids busy.

I'll take you back to the month of June where Green Envy Girls created a fanny pack for the Fanny Pack Fashion Show at DNA Gallery in The Plaza District.  I loved the idea of creating an updated, modern fanny pack.  I knew we were competing with very ingenious artists who would be creating an original piece of artwork.  I wanted to make sure that our fanny pack was wearable and hopefully would sell.  I did a lot of research trying to gather ideas.  Believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there, including the younger crowd, who wear fanny packs.

This is a picture of our model during the fashion show.  It was so fun!  The models were dressed in 80's clothes and accesseries.

And our fanny pack SOLD!  I'd like to make more.  What do you think?  Would you wear a Green Envy Girls fanny pack?

So, the devastating news for me this summer is that my computer's hard drive crashed.  I lost all of my beautiful photos and the Green Envy Girls logo.  I also lost all of my teaching information.  I have shed tears but am trying hard to make lemonade out of this damn lemon.  I need to save my pennies and hire someone to try to save anything off the hard drive. 

I had my newest camera break in June.  Luckily, I had saved our old camera and it saved my life for the month of June and part of July.  Yes, part.  It also died.  Guess I'm gonna need to save more pennies for a new camera.  Having a camera is a must with Green Envy Girls!  Luckily, my partner Maggie owns a good camera. 

On the upside, Green Envy Girls applied for the Plaza District Festival.  We have been accepted and are PUMPED up!  Mark your calendars for October 1, 2011.  Maggie and I are busy working on new bags and going through our inventory.  We're going to have to find our own tent.  I can't wait to set up and show patrons our awesome stuff!  Check our their website for more information.  I hope to see your happy faces there to celebrate with us!

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